Community Fund Application Form

Mountmellick Credit Union is dedicated to supporting initiatives that benefit the people living and working in our communities. Our 2024/2025 Community Fund has up to €30,000 to donate to local clubs, associations & organisations (Groups).

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Please read the below information carefully before completing your application.

  • Groups are advised to take time to clearly define how the funds are to be used for the betterment of the community and how they will promote the Credit Union (CU) to their group membership and the wider community.
  • Where possible, we will make supporting materials such as pop-up banners, leaflets, etc., available for event days or membership/community circularisation if such items are a factor in support of your application.
  • After the defined closing date, the Board will convene a special board meeting to assess the requests and award the funding, as fairly as possible based on the perceived benefit to the community, the CU and the funds available for each sector, where applicable.
  • All Groups will be notified of their specific outcome after this meeting. They will also be informed of the date and location of the awards ceremony, to which they are expected to send a delegate for a photo opportunity with the CU representatives, (to be used for mutual promotion).
  • Actual funds will be issued directly to the nominated Group account within one month of the special board meeting being held.
  • This is an ongoing, competitive process. Receiving an annual sponsorship historically or in any given year going forward is not a guarantee of support in subsequent years. Submitting an application is not a guarantee of sponsorship.
  • The Board will be mindful of various “Sectors” when dividing up the available funds, and even “Sub-Sectors”. This is to ensure that everybody gains, no matter what their interests. In practical terms this might see two Arts groups contend for the same total value of sector funding as fifteen sports clubs. Or one unique sports club receiving more funding than other more generic sports clubs contending the same sector.
  • The Board reserve the right to award all the funds available in a particular “Sector” to a minority, particularly when a sector is heavily subscribed. This will be based on an assessment of which projects/plans will deliver the most rewards to the community and the CU. This may be deemed preferable than to spreading the funds so thinly that they make no real difference to any Group. In such cases the Board will take this into consideration in following years to the benefit of the other Groups.
  • Only Groups who hold the “Common Bond” may apply. To hold the common Bond at least 75% of a Group’s membership must come from within the area of the Credit Union Common Bond: Mountmellick: 6 mile radius of Mountmellick extending to the townlands of Rosenallis and Clonaslee. Rathangan: Area comprising of Rathangan parish and postal District & that area of Clonbollogue postal district, east of the River Figile, include Tower Cross, Pluckerstown, The Grange, Carrick, Barnacrow, Christianstown, Baronstown West, Wheelam, Blakestown and Cannonstown.

If your Group has received funding between January & March 2024, and you want to be considered for 2025 funding for the same period, then you must apply now in this current year to be considered.

Please complete all sections. Partially completed applications will not be accepted. If a section does not apply to your Group, please include an explanation.

Group Details


How do you communicate with your members/community? Please tick all that apply and provide details.


Please note, so that we can assist as many groups as possible, the maximum amount available to each organisation is €1,000.

(i.e. – Main sponsor, joint main, second, third, etc.)


How would Mountmellick Credit Union be acknowledged as a sponsor if you receive funding? Please tick all that apply and provide details.

Previous Funding

Please identify the Credit Union account to which funds should be issued to if your application is successful. If you are nominating an account in another financial institution then please supply the BIC, IBAN and account holder name. Please note cash or cheques will not be issued for control and transparency purposes.
Funds will not be released to personal accounts, group accounts only please.

Alternatively download an application form, complete in full and email to